Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Fight for Scholarship

Finally I got something worth to share! Hahahahaha.

I am going to tell you my journey getting Total Undergraduate Scholarship (TUS) 2013.

TUS is scholarship provided by Total E & P Indonesie. For those who haven't familiar with this company, Total is one of big five oil and gas companies in the world. Amazing, isn't it? Honestly I am very proud to be one of the grantees, hoho. In 2013, this scholarship was opened on April. What are the requirements to apply this scholarship? Here they are:
  1. You must be an undergraduate student who is on 5th or 7th semester
  2. Minimun GPA is 3.00 (scale 4.00)
  3. Your major is engineering
  4. Mastering English is preferable
I was going to finish my 6th term, my GPA is above 3.00, I am majoring Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, my English is quite good! All requirements completed. At the time I was going to apply this scholarship, I was so upset with another scholarship. That scholarship made me wait so long since January 2013 and the provider never told me that I was rejected. When I applied TUS that upset scholarship had not told me that I was rejected, though they already had the grantees. Super thank to God that I had courage to apply TUS :)

Enough with that curhat colongan about upset scholarship, hehehe. There were 4 selection steps. The mechanism was once you failed in the first step, you can't go to the second step, and so on.

  • First step: Written Test (May 15th, 2013)
Because I am from UI, this test was held at Total E&P Indonesie Head Office on Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta. There were 23 applicants from UI which passed the administration selection. The written test consisted of language and numerical logic, held by Aneka Search Indonesia. I had been usual with the numerical test because I ever iseng-iseng took numerical test online on the internet. You can also do that guys. Just google it ;)
Actually I was not so sure about what I did in the test...

  • Second step: Focus Group Discussion (May 27th, 2013)
On May 22nd, I got a mail that I was selected as one of the candidates that passed the written test. Unfortunately my boyfriend did not join me in the next step *sad*. There were 9 participants in FGD. Wow! Huge reduction ya, from 23 became 9. Luckily I led the discussion. Plus one point for me, hoho. The discussion was to decide the priority when your shuttle space had to emergency land in the Moon.

  • Third step: Interview (June 3rd, 2013)
 The announcement for those who could go to the third step was on the same day as FGD. Really fast!! (kata anak muda jaman sekarang: gercep, gerak cepet hehe). There were 6 candidates in this step. The interview was in Bahasa and English. If you ask me what happened on the interview, I am gonna say: I felt better facing this interview rather that the previous interview which I already told you in my previous post. Experience makes you better. I believe in that! :D

  • Forth step: Panel Interview (July 12, 2013)
After waited bit long time, on June 28th I got announcement that I WAS ONE OF THE CANDIDATES THAT GET IN TO THE FINAL SELECTION!! There were 3 other candidates from UI that had the same fate as me. I never faced panel interview before. I spent my days in youtube-ing "panel interview". At first I thought that the question was gonna be the same as the interview before, BUT I WAS WRONG! TOTALLY WRONG! The questions were about my knowledge. My interviewers were from HRD and Pak Deden.
"Who is the winner of Oscar this year?", "What is corrosion?", "What cause corrosion?", "Draw the graph of P~V and P~T from equatin PV = nRT", question about H2S, question about SRB corrosion, etc etc etc
 I felt so useless and nothing at that time. Some of the pengetahuan umum question, I could only answer "I don't know, Sir"........................................

August 15th, 2013: I got an e-mail that I was one of the grantees. Alhamdulillah!!

There's a funny story. Usually Total sent me mail to my Yahoo account. I refreshed my Yahoo Mail all day long on Friday because my friend told me that he was rejected from the scholarship. Apparently, Total already sent me mail on Thursday (15 August) on my UI mail. Telat banget sayaaaa :D

This is a story I gonna remember and I hope can give you some inspiration

Allah Maha Adil :)

Terima kasih ayah & ibu atas semua restu dan doanya.

I got mail today!


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Perjalanan Tugas Akhir (1)

Gue pengen mengabadikan kegiatan yang terjadi selama tugas akhir alias skripsi gue.

Tema skripsi gue adalah tentang material komposit aluminium tahan peluru. Wow! Keren kan? Komposit adalah material yang terdiri dari dua atau lebih jenis material, contoh logam-keramik, logam-polimer, dst. Komposit terdiri dari matriks dan penguat (reinforcement). Nah di tugas akhir ini, matriks-nya adalah logam Al-Zn-Mg-Si-Cu dan penguatnya adalah zirconia, ZrO2 (keramik). Gue dapet tema ini dari profesor gue, Prof. Bondan, guru besar di bidang aluminium.

Ngerjain skripsi itu ga asik kalo sendiri, ga rame, hehehe. We work in a team, ada gue, Rio Kharizma Agrista, Dian Try Saputri, Ghozali Suprobo, I Made Binar Andromeda. Tugas akhir ini termasuk spesial bagi gue, karena Rizky Nur Fadhillah is in the team too! (Yeaaay!!)

Februari kemarin udah mulai pertemuan rutin sama dosbing untuk diskusi studi literatur. You know what? Sejak itu gue ngerasa yang namanya review jurnal itu ga berat, tapi enteng, hohoho. Sesuai timeline, kita bakalan mulai ngecor setelah UTS, akhir April, tapi ngaret brooo. Ntar semester 7 tinggal nulis aja daaaan lulus deh (amin!).

Sekarang aja nih (udh bulan Mei loh) kita BARU MULAI motong sampel hahahaha. Baru magnesium, Mg, tok pula. Masih ada zinc, pure Al, dan Al-7Si yang menunggu untuk dipotong. Aaaa! (we still have time. Tenang tenang). Mana tadi pake ada kejadian salah bikin data Mg dan berakibat salah nimbang (si Dian nih yg bikin, mwehehehehe).

So far, dari tugas akhir ini gue bisa tau harga-harga material logam.
Magnesium Rp. 50.000/kg
Tembaga Rp. 120.000/kg
Zirconia Rp. 4.200.000/kg

Mahal ye tugas akhir ini (ngeliat harga zirconia yang "ih-wow"). Alhamdulillah dosbing punya dana hibah riset, jadi mahasiswa ga keluar duit utk material, bahan, dan pengujian :)
Gue juga jadi tau kalo ada yang namanya Glodok di dunia ini! Tempat shopping material. Really ada LTC, mall jualan logam (amazed!)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dia Ditakdirkan Untukku (3 Pertanda)

"Kau akan selalu tahu orang itu akan menjadi spesial dalam hidupmu."

Mungkin ini pemberian Tuhan. Aku selalu bisa mendeteksi bahwa seseorang akan menjadi sangat penting dalam hidupku.
Masih lekat dalam ingatanku bagaimana dia meninggalkan jejak memori saat pertama kali aku mengenali wajahnya.
Perkenalan dimulai saat kami memiliki nasib baik yang sama, mendapatkan bangku kuliah saat ujian nasional bahkan masih dalam hitungan bulan.
Ya, Jakarta-Solo itu bukan jarak yang dekat. Coba saja lihat di Google Map, hehe.
Maka angkat topi setinggi-tingginya untuk Mark Zuckerberg :)

Pertanda pertama bahwa ia akan menjadi dia spesial dalam hidupku
Melihat profile picture-nya tak begitu menarik bagiku untuk mengenalnya lebih jauh.
Tapi, ada sebuah insting yang mengatakan, "you gotta need him someday."
Sampai detik ini dan insya Allah jika aku tidak mengalami amnesia, aku masih sangat mengingat profile picture-nya saat itu.

Pertanda kedua bahwa ia akan menjadi spesial dalam hidupku
Paduan suara. Balairung Universitas Indonesia.
Puluhan meter jarakku dengannya saat itu, karena suara pria dan wanita dipisahkan, tapi entah mengapa aku bisa mengenalinya.
Kami belum pernah bertemu di dunia nyata.
Voila! Tebakan itu benar saat dia mengiyakan tebakanku melalui sms.

Pertanda ketiga bahwa ia akan menjadi spesial dalam hidupku
Hari-hari yang berat kulalui saat menjadi salah satu kaum pendatang.
Hari beranjak malam, tidak tahu bagaimana pulang kembali ke asrama.
Meminta tolong kepada orang-orang yang sudah kukenal baik tapi hasilnya nihil.
Entah darimana, dia datang dan mengantarkanku pulang.

Menurutnya, mulai dari situlah dia terkesan padaku.

Ada beberapa perih yang terjadi diantara kita setelahnya.

Terkadang pertanda-pertanda itu hanyalah kejadian alam yang sewajarnya terjadi.
Terkadang kebersamaan itu membutuhkan beberapa waktu yang terlampau panjang untuk terjadi,
terlampau panjang untuk menyadari bahwa dia lah yang di depan matamu yang kau butuhkan.
Hingga suatu hari saat dia selangkah demi selangkah menjauh dari jangkauanmu,
kau menyadari dia hilang.
Dan saat itu lah aku mengerti,
namun aku harus menunggu.

Pertemuan-pertemuan merupakan takdir Tuhan. Pertemuan itu akan menghantarkan kita pada hal-hal yang menakjubkan dalam hidup kita.
Selalu ada alasan mengapa kita dipertemukan.

This is dedicated to Rizky Nur Fadhillah,
yang telah mewarnai hari-hariku.

Social Media or Micro Blogging?

Anyone agree with me that social media is a good place for complaining about life?

Social media abuse udah banyak banget terjadi. Menurut definisi gue, social media is a media to socialize. Socialize itu identik dengan sosialisasi dan interaksi. Tapi nyatanya sekarang banyak banget pemilik-pemilik akun di social media, gue termasuk juga di dalamnya (definetely! haha), lebih banyak mengutarakan tentang keluhan mereka atau malah justru ajang pamer dan eksistensi diri. Maka dari itu, gue lebih suka menyebut social media, seperti twitter, sebagai micro blogging.

Social media abuse yang lain yang paling gue benci adalah........
terangkum dalam kutipan di bawah ini
"Social media mendekatkan apa yang jauh dan menjauhkan apa yang dekat"
Sebenernya hak setiap pemilik akun untuk ngapain aja sama akun pribadinya tersebut.

This writing doesn't have any special intention.

Be wise using your micro blogging!

Friday, May 10, 2013

First Interview

Yeah! Finally I made blog and post something, hahaha.

Couple months ago, I was invited to a scholarship test, the Roberto Rocca Scholarship. Gratefully I passed numerical test and focus group discussion test (yeay!). Here I go! The step that I never experienced before, INTERVIEW! I swear that IT WAS SO DEADLY NERVOUS!!

First interview passed..
Second interview passed..
Third interview.......................

I really messed up in this third interview. I swear that I am not gonna make these mistakes again
  • First Mistake
"Apa yang akan kamu lakukan dalam 5 tahun kedepan?"
"Bekerja.. Ya bekerja"
  • Second Mistake
In the end of interview, the interviewer gonna ask you, "any question to me?"
I said "No"
  •  Third Mistake
I made a very bad eye contact and answered something so normative and too mainstream.

From some seminars that I attended about interview, I got some tips. First of all, a company searches someone who has VISION in his/her life, better if your vision is similar to the company mission. Yaaa no doubt that I failed in the interview. I answered only ONE WORD about the vision question (very sad). Also, interviewer wants to know about your willing to have higher achievement, customer oriented, your integrity (self consistency and self confidence). Sometimes you are given a study case question. Just say what your opinion on that, they wanna know about your sensitivity handling.

Yaa maybe this writing is lil bit sok tau, hehehe. I am not an expert in facing an interview and I am not an interviewer. I just wanna share my experience.

 Last, I got some tips how to fight "ada pertanyaan?" or "any question?" condition.
  • Interviewer wants to know about your interest in this company or scholarship
  • A very better, and I suggest you to ASK, about the company, their recent business. Or you may ask about your job description or the career path in the company if you are in a job interview.

More about interview tips, you can go to youtube :D